Tuesday, April 28, 2009

You know you have been in Korea too long when...

- a taxi driver mistakes you for a Korean person

I got into the taxi and said my usual "sam deok soe bang so kajuseyo" (meaning take me to the sam deok fire station please, its right by the main downtown strip). He answered with the usual "ne" and we were on our merry way. Then my phone rang and I answered, it was my friend Charmonica, whom I was meeting for dinner that night. Of course we had a quick chat all in English. When I got off the phone the taxi driver turned around with a shocked look on his face and told me he thought I was Korean when I got in the taxi and was surprised that I was a waegookin (foreigner). This, of course, is all speculation as I don't actually know that much Korean, but I got the main words: Korean person, foreigner, Korean, English and so on...

- it is perfectly acceptable to wear leggings and hightop sneaker to work and the kids compliment you on your cool outfit, because members of a popular boy band wear the same kind of shoes

- you sleep, eat, and go to the bathroom with your cell phone in your pocket, because there is no way that you could possibly be separated from your phone for more than a second and it is no longer vibrate but maner mode

- when asked what you did this weekend, it is very cool to say that you went to the stationary store

- sentences such as :

"Teacher, we thinks their pronounce is crazy."
"Teacher my think?"
"Teacher I am detention"

all make perfect sense and are not corrected

Corrections anyways:

"Teacher we think that the women on the CD are difficult to understand"
"Teacher, should I give my opinion?"
"Teacher I have detention today"

(my apologies for the long absence...but I'm back!)

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